Sunday, November 30, 2008

@gwenbell @TwitterPOET I am still amazed by the ubiquity of Berliner Kindl on the U-Bahn and S-Bahn M-F and not just Fri & Sat
@gwenbell @TwitterPOET Did you guys see my article in AdAge?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

@JNez Oh! Oh! Oh! Aren't you in for a treat! This is a Loco Moco! The best one is from Cafe 100 in Hilo!

Friday, November 28, 2008

"Please stop, I'm bored. Please stop, I'm bored. Please stop, I'm bored. Please stop, I'm bored..."
Best post title of the day "Iran might build a Death Star some day, so it's cool to kill them now"
@scifri I am really digging the Ig Nobel Prize! Listening from NPR 104,1 FM Berlin
@scifritter Listening to Science Friday. Love the Ig Nobel Prize! It is my fave awards ever!
From Coast-to-Coast AM: "David Icke stirred up controversy with his contention that President-Elect Obama is a salesman for the Illuminati" I love Coast! :)
RT @SurvivorCorps Join Survivor Corps on 12/5 for Convention on Cluster Munitions Signing Celebration in Washington, DC
With regards to Gmail themes, I have chosen the Graffiti theme for now. How about you?
My client's offers a space for reels for producers, actors, grips, etc. I don't know the space. If you do, please email me

Thursday, November 27, 2008

@pblackshaw I am fascinated by that stream. I wish I were worldly enough to have known that that CNN/IBN existed before...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

RT @SurvivorCorps In celebration of over 100 govts signing a treaty banning cluster munitions, come to our party in DC!:
I am going offline to declutter and preclean my apartment now in prep for my new cleaning lade. Pray for me and for her!
So, the sun does go down well before 5PM here in Berlin. It is very surreal. I should be used to it already
If you know rockstar comission-based salespeople who are social media-savvy. Email me at
follow ewoman
I want a firm like this -- this is so cool

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In ‘Poor But Sexy’ Berlin, Brands Need to Understand Casual

Please check out my first article as a writer for AdAge, In ‘Poor But Sexy’ Berlin, Brands Need to Understand Casual.

In ‘Poor But Sexy’ Berlin, Brands Need to Understand Casual: To market successfully, you need to understand college kids

This is my first post for the Global Idea Network and I am happy to be here. I aim to post once-a-week about my experience in Berlin and around Europe as an expat. Today, I want to talk a little bit about Berlin, the city its Mayor, Klaus Wowereit, called “poor but sexy.”

Berlin is sexy, poor, and the most casual city I can imagine. Everyone wears jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, and some sort of field jacket. At first I mistook this casualness as slovenliness or poverty. No. Berlin’s casualness is very intentional. In spite of limited cash, Berliners are slaves to fashion and remain current. The moment jeans went skinny, Berlin went skinny. When the world became obsessed with Chuck Taylors, Berliners sported them. Current, as long as the fashion palette keeps to caps, jeans, t-shirts, jackets, and sneakers. When my friend Mark wore the wrong sort of casual his friends staged an intervention: the jeans were all wrong, the jacket was uncool, and the shoes had to go.

It occurred to me that successful marketing in Berlin requires marketing to college kids, who are the epitome of poor but sexy, across the board and for everything. How would you sell a car, a cell phone, a pair of panties, a watch, some gum, a bank account, or a credit card to a teenager and you’ll probably get it right here in Berlin.

When it comes to purchases, Berliners judge each others’ fashion sense like they do at college, where how you were dressed had more to do with style and selection — how you wore it — and less to do with the total cost of purchase and where you bought it. Competition in the marketplace comes from flea markets, hand-me-downs, swap meets, and eBay as easily as it may your competitor. Lots of those skinny jeans and Chuck Taylors were scored used from the 80s. I learned from my friend Libia from Mexico City that Berlin is world famous for its used clothing and consignment stores. There is no stigma associated with getting stuff used and cheap — quite the opposite.

There are other concerns when marketing to Berliners: biking, weather, exposure, and the elements. Like college students, Berliners take public transport and ride bikes every day in all sorts of Central European weather. In fact, I have been told again and again that bicycles are neither recreational nor optional. They’re essential to daily life. Like students going to class in the morning, Berliners need to carry everything they need for the day with them. Necessity demands that Manolos are pretty impractical, as are skirts, heavily-styled hairdos, and exceptionally-delicate makeup rituals.

Berlin casual is not limited to kids in their teens and twenties, however. I am talking about my 39-year-old friend Frank, who pretty much dresses in hooded sweatshirts and jeans all the time (with a fierce family brand loyalty to the G-Star brand, universally popular in Berlin) and, coincidentally, dresses just like his two sons, 8 and 10, as you can see in the photo illustrations. Yes, Frank, who runs a production company called The Lime Machine, approved this post.

I have been invited to be a European correspondent to the AdAge Global Idea Network. I am a resident of Berlin, Germany, and will be mostly reporting my experience in Central and Eastern Europe; however, GIN is a moveable feast — it is global, after all. I hope you enjoy the post. Please consider subscribing to the blog. I plan to post at least once-a-week. Plus, there are a wide assortment of other great bloggers from around the world.

@PrestoVivace Thanks! AdAge Global Ideas Network! Now you know everything you need to know to market in Berlin!
My first post for AdAge!
RT @SurvivorCorps Check out on NBC yesterday!
@cc_chapman How are you doing, brother? What's going on in your world? Did you see my post?
My company, Abraham Harrison, featured user of Central Desktop
RT @FreshAirFund FAF has helped more than 1.7 million children. Help these inner-city children have a summer to remember:
@Tonilyn I would pay montly to use Twitter, I would pay Twitter to not be timed out or limited when I use TwitterBerry or Twibble! @twitter
So, @matt_creamer tells me that my first post is making it to AdAge's Global Idea Network this afternoon! Keep an eye out!
follow matt_creamer
Please Comment: Is a Modern Woman Still Mostly Valued For Her Uterus?

Thank You Operation Survivor Bloggers Encore

While I have already thanked all of the wonderful, generous bloggers who have blogged about Operation Survivor since Labor Day, there has been a countinued outpouring of support. As a result, I have added all of the new posts, banners, Twitters in addition to the initial posts -- as of 25 November, this is everyone.
  1. 5 Minutes Around the World via 5 Minutes for Mom.
  2. Banner via A Disgruntled Republican.
  3. Survivor Corps Program-Help! via Swimming Against the Red Tide.
  4. Survivor Corps: Founds Operation Survivor Project to Assist U.S. Military Combat Veterans in Transitioning to Civilian Life via A DC Observer.
  5. Survivor Corps. Rise Above. Give Back via All 4 My Gals.
  6. Banner via American and Proud.
  7. Support 'Survivor Corps' this Veterans Day via American Thinker.
  8. Support 'Survivor Corps' this Veterans Day via Americanthinker.
  9. Returning Troops...a Noble Cause via Dodgeblogium.
  10. Indigenist News Items for: 11-14-2008 via Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo.
  11. They don't go away when Veterans Day ends via Around the Island.
  12. Survivor Corps via Assoluta Tranquillita.
  13. Survivor Corps via Jake's Life.
  14. Banner via Bearing Drift.
  15. Vast Write Wing via Be Logical.
  16. Survivor Corps Operation Survivor: A Worthwhile Cause to Consider via Mount Virtus.
  17. Someone alerted me to the good work that Survivor Corps via Big Bark.
  18. Standing up for Max Cleland on Veteran's Day via Big Bark.
  19. Twittered via How to Change the World.
  20. Do Not Abandon Our Vets via understanding the effects of unresolved abandonment issues.
  21. Help Our Troops This Veterans Day via Locust Fork Blog.
  22. Soldiers Angels Web Surfing via MySpace: Kathie's Soldiers Angels Account.
  23. Banner via Blog Mommas.
  24. An Appeal via Don Surber's blog.
  25. Survivor Corps: Help a veteran break the cycle of violence via Hormone-Colored Days.
  26. Support the Survivor Corps via Burbsblogs.
  27. Veterans Day via Bodhi Baby.
  28. Supporting Our Troops via Booker Rising.
  29. Operation Survivor via Britannica.
  30. As Per Request via Budget Nomad - US Ex - Pat on the Move.
  31. Per a Request via Budget Nomad - US Ex - Pat on the Move.
  32. Help veterans through Survivor Corps via South by Southwest.
  33. Remembrance Day via Around the World in beautiful Shoes.
  34. Veteran's Day via Danny Fisher.
  35. Survivor Corps via Charming Just Charming.
  36. Veterans Day via Chip's Quips.
  37. Please Help Me Support Our Troops on Veteran’s Day via Chris Abraham.
  38. I Will Not Be Broken via For the Heck of It.
  39. Ray via Notes from the Cookie Jar.
  40. Survivor Corps Helps Injured Vets Cope via Connecticut Bob.
  41. Help Our Troops This Veteran's Day via Culture11.
  42. Supporting Our Troops: Operation Survivor via Culture Kitchen.
  43. Supporting Our Troops: Operation Survivor via The Daily Gotham.
  44. Donate to help our Troops via Make it Happen.
  45. Survivor Corp-Returning Troops via What's Delmer Look Like?.
  46. Banner via Popcorn and Sushi.
  47. Banner via Supercozy WorldHome.
  48. Supporting Returning Troops via Donklephant.
  49. Operation Survivor-Survivor Corps and TroopTube via Where the Hell Am I?.
  50. In Their Boots via Holly's Fight for Justice.
  51. In Their Boots via Holly's Fight to Stop Violence.
  52. Banner via Gapers Block.
  53. Banner via Gary Presley.
  54. Operation Survivor via The Political Junkie.
  55. Veterans Day via On the Fringe.
  56. Survivor Corps Supports Returning Troops and Their Families via
  57. Support Our Troops NOW via MamaBugs...Homeschooling Where the Air Force Sends Us!.
  58. Soldiers Angels Web Surfing via Hooah Wife & Friends.
  59. Breaking the Cycle of Violence via Another Opinion.
  60. New Book from the founder of Survivor Corps via The IAVA Blog.
  61. Some Odds and Ends of the Election via The Liberal Life of a Navy Wife .
  62. cross-post via Personal Injury and Social Security Disability Blog.
  63. Banner via Iraq The Model.
  64. In Honor of Veterans' Day via James Kotecki.
  65. via Jelly Mom.
  66. Banner via Into the Woods, Living Deliberately.
  67. Survivor Corps via A Leg Up.
  68. Standing up for Max Cleland on Veteran's Day via Informed Comment.
  69. Helping Veterans (a day late) via Just Enjoy Him: Ramblings of a Mid-Life Mom.
  70. Soldiers Angels Web Surfing via Mail Call! Supporting the Troops.
  71. Survivor Corps via Kung Fu Monkey.
  72. Banner via Kim Stagliano.
  73. Survivor Corps via Knee Deep in the Hooah.
  74. Banner via Kentucky Progress.
  75. Courage via Last One Speaks.
  76. Banner via Leucadia Blog.
  77. Iraq snapshot (The Common Ills) via Like Maria Said Paz.
  78. Banner via Lisa's Cookbook.
  79. For a Good Cause via The Local Crank.
  80. Banner via LooneyBin4Sure.
  81. Tis the season to help our troops via Manatee's Military Moms.
  82. Thoughts of a conservative mind: A worthwhile charity via A different kind of Conservative Blog.
  83. Banner via Married to the Army.
  84. Veterans Day via State of Ohio Blogger Alliance.
  85. Veteran's Day via Weapons of Mass Discussion.
  86. Operation Survivor via Big Blueberry Eyes.
  87. Survivor Corps offers peer support to injured vets via Media Dis&Dat.
  88. Survivor Corps via Tanker Bothers - Soldiers in the War on Terror.
  89. Survivor Corps via Tanker Brothers.
  90. Miss Beths Victory Dance via Miss Beth's Victory Dance.
  91. Survivor Corps via Miss Cellania Blog.
  92. side bar Banner via Mommy Bytes.
  93. Survivor Corps. Help for Surviving Troops via Mommy Does it All.
  94. Operation Survivor via My American-Iraq Life.
  95. Banner via Myrtus.
  96. Mine removal personal ambition for Missouri State instructor via
  97. Survivor Corps: Support for returning heroes via News Blaze.
  98. Veterans Deserve Your Help via New Zeal.
  99. Supporting Returning Troops via Northloop Neighborhood.
  100. Read Terrance D.C. via Oh Boy it Never Ends.
  101. Banner via only red head in taiwan.
  102. Banner via On the Upside.
  103. Banner via Papamoka Straight Talk.
  104. Banner via Pardon Me For Asking.
  105. Survivors of War via Ponderings on a Faith Journey.
  106. posted link on blogroll via Political Grind.
  107. Survivor Corps: Operation Survivor via Political Reps.
  108. A Day To Honor Those Who Have Served Their Country via Political Vindication.
  109. Banner via Praise and Coffee.
  110. Banner via Preemptive Karma.
  111. Survivor Corps Supports Returning Troops and their Families! via Progressive Independent.
  112. cross post via Quick Quotes Online.
  113. In Banner Rotation via Redline.
  114. Veteran’s deserve not just a word, but also a hand: Operation Survivor via Rich Kirkpatrick.
  115. Survivor Corps Supports Returning Troops and their Families! via Right Michigan.
  116. Banner via Rightwingchamp.
  117. Katrina Vanden Heuvel is an Idiot via Ruth's Report.
  118. Katrina vanden Heuvel is an idiot via Ruth's Report.
  119. Survivor Corps via Sanbans Lymphorama.
  120. Helping the Walking Wounded on November 11 via Serge the concierge.
  121. Banner via Seven Wheelchairs.
  122. palin, survivor corps, heroes and more via Sex and Politics and Creeds and Attitudes.
  123. Links, Awards and Other Good Blogishness via She Lives.
  124. Peace, be still. It’s Armistice Day. via Short Woman.
  125. Sick of It via SICKOFITRADLZ.
  126. posted Banner and review of I will not be broken via Writing in FaithWriting in Faith: Previews and Reviews.
  127. Banner via Socialism.
  128. Survivor Corps - Electronic Media News Releases via Soldiers Angels Network.
  129. Survivor Corps via Soldiers Angels New York.
  130. Survivor Corps via Soldiers' Angels New York.
  131. Need a little Inspiration? via My Life As A Military Spouse.
  132. Banner via Stepping Right Up!.
  133. Survivor Corps via Straight, Not Narrow.
  134. Veterans Day via The Adventures of Super Mommy & Spitup Boy.
  135. Support 'Survivor Corps' this Veterans Day - American Thinker via Survivor.
  136. Operation Survivor - excerpt from website via Arthriticyoungthing.
  137. posted Banner via Screw Politically Correct B.S..
  138. Banner via The Political Jungle.
  139. Survivor Corps via Tao of Katie.
  140. Help veterans through Survivor Corps via The Reaction.
  141. The bridge, the sacrifice, more via The Common Ills.
  142. Banner via The Inside Dope.
  143. A Belated Veterans (Day) Post via The Moderate Voice.
  144. A Belated Veterans (Day) Post via Funny Blog.
  145. Veterans and PTSD via Where There's a Will There's a Way.
  146. Tuesday, November 11. 2008. via This French Life.
  147. we posted? via This Fucking War.
  148. Survivor Corps Website via Untreatable Online.
  149. cross post via News Updated Frequently.
  150. Survivor Corps via Unveal Blues.
  151. Banner via VDog and Little Man.
  152. Banner via Virginia Left Wing.
  153. cross post via Today on Vot3r.
  154. Banner via mikesmercurialmaddness.
  155. As Long as We're Bailing Out CEOs... via World-O-Crap.
  156. Wake Up Americans via Wake Up America.
  157. Survivor Corps via Wake Up America.
  158. Xyence via The Xyience Diet Resource.
  159. Please Help the Veterans via Yaw and Mog.
  160. Survivor Corps Supports Returning Troops and their Families! via Young Philly Politics.
  161. Survivor Corps Supports Returning Vets and Their Families! via Zimbio.
  162. Mojo Mom says thank you to military families via Mojo Mom.

I daresay we'll be get more so there might very well be another thank you email. Again, both Abraham Harrison and Survivor Corps thank you very much for all of your continued generosity and support!

I ascended to 140 on the AdAge Power 150!

Monday, November 24, 2008

@johnmccrea When I go to it still redirects me to and displays the Fail Whale,
So, does anyone have advice on the best way to permenantly defog a watch (short of a watchmaker, my next step)
Blog Post: Is a Modern Woman Still Mostly Valued For Her Uterus? 38 comments!
@johnmccrea Did you see my article "Plaxo Bogarts the Twitter Fail Whale?"
RT @FreshAirFund Open your <3 to a city child. Donate, volunteer, host or sign up your child with The Fresh Air Fund:
Do you know what brand or type of mic this is based on?
RT @FreshAirFund Thinking about being a host family? Read our Summer Stories to see what The Fresh Air Fund is all about:
Please come join the talk about women I am having over on my blog: gender, roles, expectations, reproduction, etc
I really enjoyed being a featured speaker at @dailywebsk last week in Bratislava, Slovakia -- thanks everyone!
Plaxo Bogarts the Twitter Fail Whale!!!
My current friend status: Facebook: 2678 Twitter: 2,310 LinkedIn: 1,493
Please join the conversation (31 comments) about "Modern Woman" (are they just their Uterus?)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Please join an amazing conversation on gender, feminism, sexuality, roles, and motherhood:
@MichelleMMM This is your comment, I believe:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Freezer Might Have Unfogged My Seiko 6309-7040 Diver

I love my new old Seiko 6309-7040 Diver but I have had some problems with fogging that had been killing me. It is always so sad when you have a perfect, badass, chunky Seiko diver that is fogged up — diving watches, even classic watches from the 70s, should probably be water-resistant. It got fogged up, then I put it away and used my other fancy diver.

After a couple months, the steel bracelet of my other diver broke, so I went back to my Seiko 6309-7040 Diver — and the fogging was gone for months. Sadly, I adjusted the time and it fogged again. I have been struggling with the fogging. I tried to dry out the watch in the oven and it worked until the watch got cool, then it fogged again.

Here’s the solution — and it might be unintuitive, but it works! Unscrew the watch to make sure it can breathe. Then, throw the watch into the freezer! There isn’t any place in the house that is drier than the ice box.

Why? Well, because all the water turns to ice, so the watch dries out and all of the vapor leaves the watcha and take to the rest of the box. So far, I removed the watch from the freezer, quickly adjusted the time and then put it on my wrist. So far so good.

So, if you have a problem with your dive watch or any other watch and there’s water in the watch and you’re getting all fogged up, give the freezer a try. You need to make sure your screw-down winding mechanism is unscrewed; otherwise, you’ll just freeze the water inside the watch.

So, I know you’re tempted to put the watch on top of the radiator or in over at a very low temperature, it doesn’t work as well as bringing the timepiece below zero. The watch is now down to body temperature and the watch it still clear! I will let you know what I discover — to see if it really works.

I love this watch very much and I want this classic tool watch — it is really iconic and probably one of the best, most innovative, dive watch ever produced, with the famous and very cool.

Who knows.

I think that if the watch doesn’t maintain its dryness, I will need to find myself a watchmaker or watch repair guru to give me some proper help.

Anyway, if you have any sure-fire ways to dry out a watch, please let me know because I am still not completely certain that this watch is completely clear of humidity.

I will try to give you a report in about 24-hours as to how this all worked out (crossing fingers).
I really loved Quantum of Solace. Like any boy, I am fired up and feeling like a need to work out.
Look at #5 -- this is what happends when you look at your search referrals --
I love this amazing building for the Slovakian public radio service:
I am "labeling" all of my "slides" over at Flickr. I hated labeling my slides back in the day I shot for Corbis in NYC.

Friday, November 21, 2008

RT @FreshAirFund Help cover the cost of a bus ride to Fresh Air camp for a child. Just $10! You can easily donate here

Thursday, November 20, 2008

@FreshAirFund Did u know you can donate to The Fresh Air Fund using our monthly giving program? Easy and life-changing!
RT @SurvivorCorps Read why some Vets homecoming is a process, not a parade from U.S. Army Captain Scott Quilty:
RT @FreshAirFund Looking to volunteer & support innercity kids? Check out volunteer opportunities w/ The Fresh Air Fund
About to head off to browse Bratislava, Slovakia, to take so pictures for an article I will write for AdAge GIN

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

RT @FreshAirFund Interested in hosting a child this summer through Fresh Air Fund? Frequently asked questions we get:
Oh come on! Is there really anything better than the White Stripes?
I am watching music videos... wow, Linkin Park does a lot of ballads
I need to get TV for my apt... I will learn German so much faster with one of those newfangled thingiemebobs.
I support Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State of the United States!
RT @FreshAirFund The Fresh Air Fund is hard at work helping NYC's youth through a year-round camping program:
Wow, for some reason, my blog now has a PageRank of 7 -- rareified Hallowed Ground!
OK, I hate to gloat but Berlin *IS* the coolest city in the world. And, that's where I live!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Drinking coffee at the Daily Web coffee room before I speak at 9AM. I am the first to go.
If you want a comfortable, modern, European hotel in Bratislava, Slovakia, I can easily recommend Mamaison.
RT @SurvivorCorps In W. Palm Beach? This Friday, go check out Jerry talk about his latest book, "I Will Not Be Broken.":
Now I have to see if I am rockstar enough to find my way back to my fly European mod hotel room, sans map!
My life has become a little more interesting.
@RobLongert Kylie Minogue is a cancer survivor. However, according to Wikipedia she is now a movie star and general celeb:

Thanks to Operation Survivor Bloggers on Veteran's Day

Veteran's Day this year is especially poignant since it has been 5 years since the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan began. Thank you to everyone who helped Survivor Corps get the message out about Operation Survivor and all the amazing work that Survivor Corps does for vets, for returning troops, and for their families. Here's a list of all of your fine work:

You have done an amazing thing for the vets and also for the mission of Survivor Corps domestically and around the world. Thank you for your posts and for your banner placement. Never hesitate to contact me personally or my team at Abraham Harrison. Also, always please feel free to contact the entire Survivor Corps team.

Monday, November 17, 2008

@JulieAnnTurner Don't be beguiled -- haven't you heard? I am a big stinky, dour-faced grumpy old curmudgeon of a bitter and unreachable guy!
My first blog post AdAge Global Idea Network goes live tomorrow or Wednesday -- subscribe now and be ready for me!
@JulieAnnTurner Thanks! I am magical like that -- that is not a wee little Nokia N95 8GB smart phone, it's a magic flash of real-life magic

Bio of Chris Abraham Updated 17 November 2008

Chris Abraham, President and COO of Abraham Harrison, is a leading expert in online public relations with a focus on blogger outreach, blogger engagement, and Internet reputation management. A pioneer in online social networks and publishing, with a natural facility for anticipating the next big thing, Chris is an Internet analyst, web strategy consultant and advisor to the industries’ leading firms. He specializes in web2.0 technologies, including content syndication, online collaboration, blogging, and consumer generated media.

Prior to starting Abraham Harrison, Chris was a member of the Interactive Team at Edelman Public Affairs in Washington, DC, consulting clients such as Wal-Mart, Shell, and GE on blogger and social media strategy. Before Edelman, Chris was Technology Strategist for New Media Strategies, a pioneer in online brand promotion and protection with clients including Sci-Fi Channel, Buena Vista, TomTom, Paramount Pictures, Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Disney, Reebok, EA, RCA, and NBC.

In the early nineties, Chris joined The Meta Network, a seminal online virtual community based in Washington, and so began his career as an expert in online community development, social media, social networking, and online collaboration. Chris has had a web presence since 1993 and started blogging in 1999, focusing on community, connection, innovation, and brand extension. As a technologist, Chris has consulted T. Rowe Price, the US Department of Treasury CIO, Friendster, Deutsche Telekom, and others.

Chris has taught blogging courses for the Writer's Center of Bethesda, has been a guest lecturer on public affairs blogging at Columbia University's SIPA school and the American University in Washington, DC, and is the Emergent Technologies Advisor to the Urban Institute's Communications Advisory Board. Additionally, he is the go-to expert on social media, citizen journalism, technology, and the Internet for BBC World Service, CNN Radio, and CNet's BNet. Chris is an active member and attendee of Ambassador Phil Lader’s Renaissance Weekend conference where, together with other industry leaders, US Senators and Congressmen, former US Presidents, renowned artists and writers, and other cultural, political, and business leaders, he has spoken on topics ranging from new media to technology futurism to virtual company management.

Chris received his BA in American Literature from The George Washington University, studied American Literature at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England, and studied French at the University of Hawaii. He splits his time between Berlin, Germany, and Washington, DC.
@pamteagarden Nope. I am bitter and unreachable because I am just bitter and unreachable... curmudgeonly, if you will. An old fart!
I just discovered my first collaborative hyperfiction, My Name is Scibe, from back in 1994
Chris abraham is president of new marketing and PR company Abraham Harrison LLC.
Chris abraham is an Awful Awful Man < Chris AbrahamAccording to many many people.
Chris abraham is credited alongside another name.
Chris abraham is a Founding Partner and the President of Abraham Harrison.
Chris abraham is a pioneer in online social networks and publishing with a.
Chris abraham is a web strategist.
Chris abraham is a leading expert on corporate blogging.
Chris abraham is currently an Associate Artist at Necessary Angel Theatre.
Chris abraham is the founding Artistic Director for Go Chicken Go and was the.
Chris abraham is a little stiff in this video but at least you see me for real.
Chris abraham is President and COO of the social media marketing firm.
Chris abraham is member #400 of The DC Technology Network.
Chris abraham is a leading expert on corporate and PR blogging with a focus on citizen journalism.
Chris abraham is on Facebook.
Chris abraham is an Internet analyst.
Chris abraham is a director.
Chris abraham is an imaginative.
Chris abraham is an Awful Awful Man · Kill the Humans Who Save the Whales · Don’t Save the Whales but Don’t Kill the.
Chris abraham is money maker · Click to enlarge.
Chris abraham is a strategiest and technologist at New Media Strategies.
Chris abraham is an Washington-based IT Consultant who has been focused on developing Virtual Online Events and Communities of Practice since 1993.
Chris abraham is that your web keywords soma viagra online phentermine purchase Software Engineers for ».
Chris abraham is president of new marketing and pany abraham harrison llc chris abraham liv.
Chris abraham is an IT.
Chris abraham is a Webcock.
Chris abraham is Officially an A-List Blogger of Note by Chris Abraham - Because the Medium is the Message Says.
Chris abraham is welcomed back to The Segal stage.
Chris abraham is remounting his production.
Chris abraham is back at the SBC Theatre for the fourth consecutive year to direct the Tennessee Williams’ masterpiece.
Chris abraham is giving a talk this Thursday entitled "Where's the Zen in the Zen.
Chris abraham is chrisabraham on Twitter.
Chris abraham is well trained to oversee the company.
Chris abraham is set to direct.
Chris abraham is a leading expert on search engine optimization.
Chris abraham is a strategist and.
Chris abraham is on a distinguished road.
Chris abraham is the lead tutor and founder of Private Tutor
Chris Abraham Actually Does Get Healthy Relationships Accuses Janna
(senior moment and growing up in Hawaii, where they're not allowed)
I am having a senior moment. What is the name of the big ads on the side of the highways?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My friends Claudia and Frank invited me to have Hungarian Goulash with them tonight. Gotta run. I am part Hungarian. I should visit Hungary.
@nprnews @nprpolitics Thanks for following me, NPR! I am listening to you from NPR Berlin 104,1 FM
@ckieff Yes. As Main Stream Media becomes less relevant, publishers are expanding their holdings to include community-building platforms.
At Berlinprojekt church in the Babylon Theater, Berlin. Johannes is playing piano today.
@kevinrose Watching episode 176 of diggnation... Kevin Rose is manerexic! Eat something, Kevin!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I had some of my "bachelor's spachetti" with Thai Red Curry Paste, salt, and pepper. I really must go shopping!
I have many duplicate contacts in my Outlook 2007. Too many for Plaxo. What app do you recommend? Have you used any?
I have many Dupes in my Outlook 2007. Too many for Plaxo to accept. What 3rd party app do you recommend? Have you used any?
@paulswansen There is less ageism, I find. I saw two bands: OMD and Tim & Puma Mimi, in via Internet from Tokyo!
Sorry, it is Worksman Cycles -- industrial cycles on NPR -- still hard to get to, however,
Workman Cycles was just mentioned on NPR and the site is Slashdotted/Diggdotted -- I want to see it!
I am 100% in support of Hillary Rodham Clinton for US Secretary of State!

Help Our Returning Troops and Their Families!

Social Media News Release

Donate Today to Help Our Returning Troops! Donate Now! Survivor Corps

Survivor Corps Supports Returning
Troops and Their Families!

American Flag

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Quicklinks: News Facts | Operation Survivor | Video Element | About Survivor Corps | About I Will Not Be Broken | About Jerry White | Contacts | Banners and Buttons | Multimedia Elements | Additional Resources | Social Media | Tags

News Facts

Within the United States there are over one and a half million service members that have served in military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Over thirty thousand have been physically wounded, but many more have experienced less visible, psychological wounds. Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder have emerged as signature injuries of these conflicts, with recent reports suggesting an increase in rates of suicide, alcohol and drug abuse, homelessness, and domestic violence among returning service members and veterans.

Returning soldier with his family

These traumatic affects of conflict, left unaddressed, could have far-reaching negative consequences for the individuals affected, their families, and our country. Survivor Corps’ work in some of the most conflict affected countries in the world has shown community reintegration to be the key factor in those that overcome their traumatic experiences, and those that are consumed by them.


Operation Survivor

Ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan are creating a generation of veterans in the United States from all branches of the armed services and all 50 states who are struggling to overcome physical and psychosocial injuries. Most combat veterans convalescing in military hospitals across the country will survive physically, but getting on with their lives after returning home to their families and communities is proving a significant challenge for hundreds of thousands. Among the 1.6 million who have served since 2001, suicide is on the rise, as is unemployment and incidents of substance abuse and domestic violence.

Captain Scott Quilty

The successful reintegration of returning service members is an issue that will have a long-lasting impact on American society, and may become the single defining struggle facing this new generation of veterans. Survivor Corps and its partners are determined to avoid the mistakes made when veterans returned from Vietnam, which resulted in tens of thousands of post-war suicides and over 200,000 men and women living on the streets.

To head off this tragic outcome, Survivor Corps will build peer support programs at the community level that will bring service members and veterans together for mutual support and encourage both individual responsibility and collective action to help others in need.

Survivor Corps is offering an alternative “treatment” that can be made readily available in all communities, regardless of proximity to traditional military or govern¬ment centers of support. Our approach is nimble enough to address the needs of individual survivors, while still broad enough to build a coalition of survivors and service providers working to effect long-term positive change.

This new program will help the recovery and reintegration of hundreds of thousands of returning U.S. service members at a critical time for them and their country.

Click Here to read more about Operation Survivor

Video Elements

Kyra Phillips of CNN Interviews Scott Quilty About Survivor Corps

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

In Their Boots Video

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash " width="425" height="344" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>

About Survivor Corps

Survivor Corps helps people around the world who have suffered war and violence to rebuild their lives and rejoin their communities. By connecting those affected by conflict through networks of survivors, we help people overcome trauma and injury and regain their place in society. Survivor Corps (formerly Landmine Survivors Network) was born out of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, co-recipient of the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize, and recently spearheaded the development of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Over the past ten years, we have established successful peer support programs in eight war affected countries in Latin America, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

I Will Not Be Broken Survivor Corps Poster

About I Will Not Be Broken

The loss of a loved one, a painful divorce, or a serious physical injury---we must all, at one point, face tragedy -- unavoidable moments that divide our lives into “before” and “after.” How do we muscle our way through tough times and emerge stronger, wiser -- even grateful for our struggle? In 1984, author Jerry White lost his leg -- and almost his life -- in a landmine accident. He has endured the pain of loss and the challenge of rebuilding. As cofounder of Survivors Corps, White has interviewed thousands of victims of tragedy. With this book, he shares what he has learned. White outlines a very specific five-step program to coping with disaster; to achieving strength and hope; and to turning tragedy into triumph. In their own words, his survivor friends and colleagues share their stories. It's a group that includes the well known, like Lance Armstrong, Nelson Mandela, and the late Princess Diana, and also everyday survivors. Through their stories and the author's words, the book takes readers step-by-step through the process of not only surviving tragedy and victimhood, but going on to thrive.

I Will Not Be Broken Book by Jerry White

For more information about I Will Not Be Broken, visit:

About Jerry White

Jerry White is a global survivor activist who has dedicated his life to helping victims of violent conflict. While camping in Northern Israel in 1984, he stepped on a landmine, and he spent nearly six months in Israeli hospitals learning to walk on an artificial leg. Since then, he has become a recognized leader of the historic International Campaign to Ban Landmines, co-recipient of the 1997 Nobel Prize for Peace; and a co-founder of Survivor Corps. He has testified before the US Congress and the United Nations and appeared in hundreds of media interviews and profiles.

Photo of Jerry White of Survivor Corps


Scott Quilty
US Program Manager
Survivor Corps
2100 M St, NW, Suite 302
Washington, DC 20037
(202) 250-3946

Elizabeth Miner
2100 M St. NW Suite 302,
Washington, DC 20037

Banners and Buttons

Donate Today to Help Our Returning Troops! Donate Now! Survivor Corps
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120x90 Button

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120x600 Tower

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160x600 Tower

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250x250 Square Banner

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Multimedia Elements

Survivor Corps Logo
Download the Survivor Corps Logo (525 x 652 px)

Download the Survivor Corps Logo (222 x 275 px)
I Will Not Be Broken by Jerry White Book
Download the I Will Not Be Broken Book Cover

Download the Introduction and Chapter 1 of I Will Not Be Broken
Download Chapter 1 of I Will Not Be Broken
Download Chapter 2 of I Will Not Be Broken


Additional Resources

Buy I Will Not Be Broken on

Buy I Will Not Be Broken from Barnes & Noble

Social Media:


Survivor Corps | Landmine Survivors Network | Jerry White | I Will Not Be Broken | Landmines | Victims of War | Victims of Terrorism | Cluster Munitions | Assistance for War Veterans | Veteran | Veterans Day | Support the Troops | Donate | War | Iraq | Afghanistan | Operation Survivor | American Veterans | PTSD | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


Thursday, November 13, 2008

What is a fair price to pay for this video that was done for us?
Ended work. Ate Asian. Had dessert. Drinking a Bier. Listening to Anathem. Love this audio book from
My site comes up as #1 return if you search Google Images for just the term "tina" Ha ha!
Watch Kyra Phillips of CNN Interviews Scott Quilty About Survivor Corps on Veteran's Day:
I am proud to announce that I have been recruited to become a blogger for AdAge's Global Idea Network blog
@nettys @ewoman Ciao! I must return to work as well! Nice meeting you two as well. Have a great day!
@ewoman Well, at the very least a not bad tour guide for the city!

You Can Help Survivor Corps Support Returning Troops!

Monday was Veteran's Day, a day that pays homage to every man and woman who has served in the United States Armed Forces, in times of war and peace.

I have personally pledged to raise $1,000 of the $10,000 that Survivor Corps is raising this week to help returning soldiers in remembrance of Veteran's Day, today -- please help me make my goal. Honestly, a couple-bucks is cool -- feel free to donate whatever you want. There is always the "Other" tab. If we have lots of small donations, it all adds up!

Our soldiers need our help now. Which is why, this Veterans Day, I’m asking you to honor their service with a modest gift to Survivor Corps’ program for U.S. Armed Forces veterans, Operation Survivor.

Survivor Corps is aiming to raise $10,000 over the next week, with your help. We currently have just over 600 members in the cause. If each member donated just $20, we would have well over $12,000. In addition, Survivor Corps is currently running a matching-gift program so your donation will be doubled for the returning troops!

Right now, about 620,000 veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injuries (TBI), major depression, or a combination of the three. Many returning veterans are facing family, employment, and other community reintegration issues. Using our ten years of experience helping survivors of violent conflict find a way back to peace, within their own bodies and minds, and in their communities, Survivor Corps founded Operation Survivor to provide the same kind of life-changing services to American veterans.

Your generosity and loyalty to our troops is so important, this Veterans Day. I ask you to honor returned servicemen and women, on November 11th and always, by making a special gift to Survivor Corps.

On behalf of Operation Survivor and the veterans we serve, thank you so much for your support. It’s truly making a difference to our veterans.

Within the United States there are over one and a half million service members that have served in military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Over thirty thousand have been physically wounded, but many more have experienced less visible, psychological wounds. Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder have emerged as signature injuries of these conflicts, with recent reports suggesting an increase in rates of suicide, alcohol and drug abuse, homelessness, and domestic violence among returning service members and veterans.

These traumatic affects of conflict, left unaddressed, could have far-reaching negative consequences for the individuals affected, their families, and our country. Survivor Corps’ work in some of the most conflict affected countries in the world has shown community reintegration to be the key factor in those that overcome their traumatic experiences, and those that are consumed by them.

Ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan are creating a generation of veterans in the United States from all branches of the armed services and all 50 states who are struggling to overcome physical and psychosocial injuries. Most combat veterans convalescing in military hospitals across the country will survive physically, but getting on with their lives after returning home to their families and communities is proving a significant challenge for hundreds of thousands. Among the 1.6 million who have served since 2001, suicide is on the rise, as is unemployment and incidents of substance abuse and domestic violence.

The successful reintegration of returning service members is an issue that will have a long-lasting impact on American society, and may become the single defining struggle facing this new generation of veterans. Survivor Corps and its partners are determined to avoid the mistakes made when veterans returned from Vietnam, which resulted in tens of thousands of post-war suicides and over 200,000 men and women living on the streets.

To head off this tragic outcome, Survivor Corps will build peer support programs at the community level that will bring service members and veterans together for mutual support and encourage both individual responsibility and collective action to help others in need.

Survivor Corps is offering an alternative “treatment” that can be made readily available in all communities, regardless of proximity to traditional military or govern¬ment centers of support. Our approach is nimble enough to address the needs of individual survivors, while still broad enough to build a coalition of survivors and service providers working to effect long-term positive change.

This new program will help the recovery and reintegration of hundreds of thousands of returning U.S. service members at a critical time for them and their country.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Have you ever heard me sing Journey in a capella in falsetto? Forgive me!
I just ate spaghetti with Thai Red Curry paste and salt and pepper for lunch. Time to go to the grocery store. Oh the life of a workaholic bachelor!
At the gym again. I spent my weight lifting load yesterday so I am sort of puttering around.
If I needed to choose between the $400 ASUS Eee Netbook and the comparatively-priced Amazon Kindle, ASUS!
I asked about who uses a Kindle because I think it is too expensive but people love it. Also, I am in Berlin so there is no WhisperNet here.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How many of you have an Amazon Kindle?
Tired. Clocking out. Listening to TWiT. Going to bed soon. Will go to the gym again tomorrow. Have a good night all!
Here's my lolcat of the day!
Scott Quilty was on CNN talking about Survivor Corps on Veteran's Day
Retweet: @guykawasaki Help our returning troops @survivorcorps
RT @SurvivorCorps Suicide rates are on rise w/ our 1.6 million vets since '01. Donate today to help our returning troops
Palin calls bloggers "kids in pajamas"
RT @SurvivorCorps Veterans, thank u for serving our country! See SurvivorCorps' Scott Quilty on CNN 2day at 1:20 PM EST
Completed leg extensions, leg curls, and squats. On to biceps, triceps, military press, bench, and triceps. Hua!