Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Google+ is an antisocial network

"While there may be a subculture of Google+ zealots who treat Google+ like a forum instead of a social network, the majority of people who love Plus are using it, according to Michael Reynolds, as a “source of content, inspiration, and communication” – more like a reader, a place to keep up with mentors, creators, influencers, and thought leaders. For most, Google+ is an antisocial network."
Via Google+ is an antisocial network

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Outreach is the New Link Building

When it comes to long-tail blogger outreach -- and influencer outreach in general -- I am all about the earned media mentions as a tool for PR; however, there's also a powerful SEO benefit on Google Search, a benefit that is still very powerful even in a post-Panda, post-Penguin, and Google Authorship world.

Monday, April 14, 2014

All my articles from Socialmedia.biz