Friday, December 18, 2009
More About Abraham Harrison Service Offerings by Chris Abraham
Online Business Intelligence
Tracking and monitoring the online reputation of your brand, company, product, and services on your behalf, as a way of keeping track of conversation real-time. Unless reporting is explicitly agreed to, this "open source intelligence" will be monitored for content, friendliness, and threat. Any and all threats are triaged and reported to the appropriate client point of contact.
Online Media and Social Media Metrics
Abraham Harrison maintains a suite of tools, algorithms, and strategies that allow us to provide you and your client with bona fide measurements, including reach, tone, and sentiment. This suite of tools allow us to create illustrative proof, over time, of the efficacy of the campaign from the launch and over time.
Campaign Metrics and ROI Reporting
Intelligence plus metric plus time equals reports. Client and campaign reporting is something that needs to be defined and agreed to in advance of the campaign because reports are not built into the campaign but are a la carte and you get to define the specificity and granularity of the reporting. Generally, reports are done bi-weekly or monthly, usually interspersed with weekly updates and "as needed" alerts.
Twitter Community-Building Services
Twitter is not a broadcast medium, it is a community-prospecting platform. In order for the entire community to take shape and take bloom, one needs to not simply register an account, one needs to design, populate, and then prospect followers before there can be any real growth. This community-building leverages both our collected contacts and current community relationships as well as several tools that we use to help promote and grow online reputation and growth of your Twitter online reputation. In other words, like everything online, if you build it they won’t come. Building it is a start, if course, but unless you’re Oprah or Ashton Kutcher, there is a lot of work and a lot of building, promotion, and prospecting required, and that is what Abraham Harrison LLC can do for you.
Twitter Posts and Posting Services
Twitter has become an essential part of online branding. Companies, celebrities, brands, and even fictional entities have been leveraging the ease-of-use and the simplicity of Twitter to both communication with current and potential customers as well as being able to engage and respond to user question, user requests, and user responses. However, it isn’t as simple as posting status updates to Twitter regularly. In our process, we work with the client to come up with 25-100 pre-approved "tweets" that the client can approve, veto, or edit. Over time, AHLLC is able to message on behalf of you, the client, with messages that are consistent with client vision. After that, the messages are delivered to the Twitter stream with an approved frequency, from once-per-day to a couple posts to multiple-posts-per-day, with the frequency according to the scope of the contract. During this process, it is also important -- essential -- to trust the Twitter team to be able to triage all replies and direct messages on behalf of the client -- or, there needs to be a rapid process to triage replies and direct messages through the client. As the campaign moves forward, the evolution of the campaign can change to offer more and more independence to the Twitterer.
Twitter Retweets and Retweeting Services
The secret sauce of Twitter is retweeting (retweet (RT)): a) to copy a tweet and then send it again on Twitter. b) passing along of messages in Twitter) Retweeting is the epitome of what makes Twitter such a powerful tool.
Retweeting allows Twitterers to repeat content from one Twitter stream they’re following onto all of their own followers. Writing compelling tweets is what organically can result in retweets down the Twitter stream; however, it is also important to use Retweets as a form of reciprocal currency. Retweeting someone else’s tweet can engender attention or connection and build social equity within the "Twitterverse."
In addition to intentionally retweeting on a client’s behalf, one of the benefits of running your Twitter campaign through Abraham Harrison LLC is that you are able to instantaneously have all of your client tweets retweeted through not only our staff’s Twitter accounts but through all the status-update social network sites our staff is a member of.
This allows our clients to automatically enter the conversation well in advance of their earned reputation online.
Twitter Message Modeling and Copywriting Services
In our process, we work with the client to come up with 25-100 pre-approved "tweets" that the client can approve, veto, or edit. Over time, AHLLC is able to message on behalf of you, the client, with messages that are consistent with client vision. After that, the messages are delivered to the Twitter stream with an approved-to frequency, from once-per-day to a couple posts to multiple-posts-per-day, with the frequency according to the scope of the contract.
Active and Reactive Tweeting, Real-Time Twitter Customer Serives Services
Twitter is more than messaging and updating the Twitter status, Twitter offers the opportunity to use the real-time web to discover conversation around your products, services, and brands and either collect the intelligence for reporting or action or to engage the conversation, be it through use of @replies, Direct Messages (DMs), Retweets, or even the addition of hash tags. The Twittersphere is considered real-time so it is essential to keep up-to-the second with a constant flow of twitter mentions. The best thing about Twitter is that one may also easily engage real people who are mentioning your brand or the brand of your competitor. You can also mention these people, retweet them, or help them with any sort of problem they may well be having with you, your produces, your services, or your general customer support.
YouTube development
While it is simple to join YouTube, there are quite a few important steps one must take before launching. First of all, there is a lot of customization that one can do to make sure a client’s YouTube channel blends well with the client brand identity, mirroring the parent brand. In addition, structuring the channel, making sure the channel name is appropriate, and also make sure that if there needs to be content that plays for more than the standard 5-minute limit the ways to extend that (even to hours) are implemented. There are ways to make revenue as well, through Google AdSense.
Since Abraham Harrison LLC staff has been using YouTube since it was launched in 2005, we understand it well – most of all that, unlike television channels, YouTube is not simply a broadcast medium but rather primarily a community platform. Like Twitter and other online communities like MySpace and Facebook, YouTube allows, and is most powerful with, a very deep level of participation. Many companies, looking for the next viral hit or just a YouTube land-grab tend to forget this.
It is important to not simply create the YouTube channel and make it pretty, it is important to also upload all of the videos required as well, knowing what the most appropriate file type, file size, and file quality it appropriate for each particular application or requirement. It is also important to customize the set-up based on how the client wants to share the content and with whom.
Online Video Distribution Services
Sometimes the community maintenance required for YouTube channel creation is too much for a particular client requirement or campaign and what is needed, instead, is a complete and comprehensive video upload to all of the current video sharing sites.
This video distribution service offers a quick and comprehensive upload to over 30 video upload and social network sites, including the usual suspects but also including many other less-popular and less well-known social networks; however, in order to best cover all possible opportunities for brand video sharing, it is always a good idea to make sure the client brand experience and client video assets always exist exactly where and when people are looking for them.
In addition, one of the largest ways people choose their video content in today’s market is through word-of-mouth and sharing, which we can help you ignite; however, a more predictable and common way of discovering content online – and the only way of discovering the content if the word of mouth does not include sharing links – is search. Doing a comprehensive video upload and distribution is a way of stacking the deck towards the discovery of the content organically by flooding the search engine indices with client content -- which can result in the ownership of the content. Video distribution is an important strategy towards controlling and promoting brand perception online – the secret sauce of the social web.
Facebook Page Creation
In the past, there were many methods for promoting on Facebook; however, Facebook is clamping down on Terms of Service (TOS) violations. As a result of – and in response to – people creating profiles that do not reflect authentic people but brands, products, services, or fictional entities, Facebook has replaced business profiles and business groups with Facebook Pages. Pages are entities not unlike profiles, and are becoming more and more like profiles. Like profiles, Pages have walls, updates, videos, events, and all the rest. Additionally, they interact with peoples’ statuses in much the same way that Facebook Profiles do.
When creating a Facebook Page or Group or Cause, it is important to remember that these Facebook Apps are community-oriented and need to be fed and watered. The tools support community, conversation, and collaboration and many people develop these Facebook Pages as if they were a published brochure instead of a dynamic, developing, conversational community. These communities are needy, more like a blog or like Twitter than anything like a page. A MySpace profile can be developed more like a proper web page, but Pages offer the opportunity to share Events, Conversation, Links, Discussion, Photos, Videos, etc. While they don’t have to be completely open and interactive, they do need to be responsive and there needs to be a certain level of maintenance and content creation committed to the Facebook Page.
There is a lot to know about the Pages, however, and there are many 3rd party tools and services that can be used to expand brand, including doing Facebook Ads and the like, to help promote the brand.
In order to best promote "fan" membership of a Facebook Page, one needs to be creative as to the reason why being a fan is worthwhile. Some easy "gifts" can include exclusive content, Facebook-only offers, "live" interviews, access to celebrities or notables, etc. When an online brand reputation
One of the things that makes Facebook Pages better than either Facebook Profiles or Facebook Groups is that the content is not hidden behind the Facebook Authentication Membership Wall. More like MySpace profiles and groups, which are completely visible and partially accessible when not yet a registered member of the site, Facebook Pages are one of the few "rooms" in the mostly "gated community" of Facebook proper. Facebook Pages can be indexed by search engines like a normal web page and found using simple keywords through Google,,, and Yahoo!
One of the beautiful things about Facebook Pages is that Google loves Facebook more than just about any other web site (Google loves Twitter more) so brands that have a Facebook Page are often surprised by how quickly the Page turns up on the first page of search.
There are other ways of promoting brand on Facebook, which can include cross promotions with other Social Networks (have all of the networks aimed at the Page), organic SEO strategies, Facebook Ads, as well as incorporating a strong blogger outreach campaign aimed at brand promotion.
However, that said, it is hard to start a Facebook Page and we generally recommend starting with a Facebook Group. It is much easier to prospect new memberships, invite new members, and get everything started from zero, so we often start with a Group, build that up to over 1,000 members, and then have the Group converted into becoming a Facebook Page, which is what we have the connections to do. We call it the one-two sling-shot punch!
The advantage of a Facebook Page is that you can use it as a proxy web page for marketing and a proxy online community in support of your brand instead of developing or hosting your own; however, aside from being a "fan" of your company, brand, product, or service, there is little incentive, or "gift," associated with ever returning to your Facebook Page unless you spend some time and resources developing unique content for the Page -- Facebook Pages support photos, events, videos, message boards, a wall, etc – as well as for responding to questions, queries, comments, and the like.
One of the strong advantages of smartly-but-aggressively developing messages, updates, photos, videos, and exclusive content is that the New Facebook Pages have evolved into me a lot more like the Original Facebook Profile, which includes status updates that scroll down each fan’s status update stream in exactly the same way their friends and family’s statuses update.
This is a very powerful method for brand messaging and distribution. One of the past lacks of Facebook Groups and Facebook Pages is that it was too easy to join and forget, becoming a Group member or a Page fan and then never seeing hide nor hair of it until there was an explicit admin message to all members -- a member update.
Even so, with Facebook Groups in the past, one was penalized by success because when a Facebook Group grow above 1,000-1,200 members, the ability to send a message to all members was revoked.
With the new Facebook Pages, it is easy to keep "fans" engaged and updates, through the regular status update stream that all users; unfortunately, as I mentioned above in the section about Facebook Groups, it is easier to prospect and collect new members on a Facebook Group and a Facebook Cause because it is very possible to easily invite personal Facebook "friends" to Groups and Causes. When creating a brand profile on Facebook, it behooves one to develop all three: Facebook Page, Facebook Group, and Facebook Cause.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Emergent BioSolutions reacts to BARDA's Request for Proposal cancellation
BARDA canceled the RFP for the procurement for rPA vaccines after a technical evaluation panel determined that no proposals submitted by vaccine developers could meet the ProjectBioShield statutory requirement of having the product ready for licensure within eight years.
An amendment issued by BARDA to BAA 09-34 at the same time, however, enable companies to submit proposals to obtain development funding for rPA vaccine candidates, which Emergent has been strongly encouraged to do by BARDA.
Emergent plans to submit its proposal to the BAA by the end of this year, in front of the due date of February 1, 2010 for the proposals.
This announcement also does not impact Emergent's $400 million procurement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to manufacture and deliver 14.5 million doses of BioThrax for the Strategic National Stockpile.
“With this action, BioThrax remains a critical and long-term countermeasure for the US government,” Fuad El-Hibri, chairman and chief executive officer of Emergent BioSolutions, said. “In addition, based upon encouragement by the USG, we believe our rPA vaccine is well-positioned to obtain a development contract under this BAA. Our anthrax franchise solidifies Emergent as a leader in the development and supply of anthrax medical countermeasures.”
BioThrax is currently being delivered under this contract with an expected completion of deliveries by September 2011. BioThrax is the only FDA licensed vaccine for the prevention of anthrax diseases.
“We believe that BioThrax will remain a premier product based on its recent enhancements, such as four-year dating, a reduced vaccination schedule and intramuscular route of administration, together with the potential for a further reduction in the vaccination schedule to a 3-dose primary series with a 3-year boost," Daniel J.Abdun-Nabi, president and chief operating officer of Emergent BioSolutions, said. "BioThrax continues to be the product of choice for the USG and other customers seeking to address the anthrax threat.”
BARDA and Emergent are also in separate talks for a contract that would see BARDAA fund scale-up and related activities to obtain FDA licensure for large-scale production of BioThrax at Emergent's new 50,000-square-foot Lansing, Mich., manufacturing facility.
"I am proud that Lansing remains home to America's first line of defense against what experts say is the single biggest bioterror threat, anthrax," U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, MI-08, said. "The good news about the cancellation of this particular proposal is HHS recommitted itself to the Lansing-made anthrax vaccine and has opened a new proposal for a next-generation anthrax vaccine for which Emergent has indicated it will compete.
"Rest assured, I will continue working to strengthen our nation's existing bioterror preparedness measures and protect national security jobs in Lansing."
Monday, December 7, 2009
HHS Cancels RFP for rPA Procurement and Modifies Their Approach in Favor of BAA for Development of rPA Vaccines
BioThrax® Remains Sole Anthrax Vaccine Available for USG Procurement for at Least the Next 8 Years
ROCKVILLE, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (NYSE:EBS) announced today that it has been advised by the Office of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) that the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the procurement of rPA vaccines has been cancelled in favor of a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for rPA vaccine development. According to BARDA officials, BARDA took this action after a technical evaluation panel determined that none of the vaccine developers submitting proposals could meet the Project BioShield statutory requirement of having a product ready for licensure within 8 years.
Simultaneously, BARDA issued an amendment to BAA 09-34 to enable companies to submit proposals to obtain development funding for rPA vaccine candidates. The due date for all proposals is February 1, 2010. During a meeting with company officials today, BARDA strongly encouraged Emergent to submit a proposal to this BAA. Emergent intends to submit its proposal by the end of this year.
This decision by BARDA has no impact on the company’s $400 million procurement contract with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the manufacture and delivery of 14.5 million doses of BioThrax® into the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). The company is currently delivering BioThrax under this contract and expects to complete deliveries by September 2011. BioThrax is the only vaccine licensed by the FDA for the prevention of anthrax disease.
“With this action, BioThrax remains a critical and long-term countermeasure for the US government,” said Fuad El-Hibri, chairman and chief executive officer of Emergent BioSolutions. “In addition, based upon encouragement by the USG, we believe our rPA vaccine is well-positioned to obtain a development contract under this BAA. Our anthrax franchise solidifies Emergent as a leader in the development and supply of anthrax medical countermeasures.”
Emergent has recently resumed BioThrax scale-up activities within its new 50,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Lansing. In addition, BARDA and Emergent are in discussions for a separate contract under which BARDA would fund scale-up and related activities to obtain FDA licensure for large-scale production of BioThrax in this new facility. This new facility is designed as a campaignable, multi-product facility capable of producing up to 30 million doses of BioThrax per annum. With the addition of a second train, the capacity of the facility could be doubled to up to 60 million doses per annum.
“This is an exciting development because it positions BioThrax as the sole anthrax vaccine for USG procurement for at least the next eight years,” said Daniel J. Abdun-Nabi, president and chief operating officer, Emergent BioSolutions. “We believe that BioThrax will remain a premier product based on its recent enhancements, such as four-year dating, a reduced vaccination schedule and intramuscular route of administration, together with the potential for a further reduction in the vaccination schedule to a 3-dose primary series with a 3-year boost. BioThrax continues to be the product of choice for the USG and other customers seeking to address the anthrax threat.”
About Emergent BioSolutions Inc.
Emergent BioSolutions Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development, manufacture and commercialization of vaccines and therapeutics that assist the body’s immune system to prevent or treat disease. Emergent’s marketed product, BioThrax® (Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed), is the only vaccine licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the prevention of anthrax disease. Emergent’s development pipeline includes programs focused on anthrax, botulism, tuberculosis, typhoid, hepatitis B and chlamydia. Additional information may be found at and
Safe Harbor Statement
This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Any statements, other than statements of historical fact, including statements regarding our strategy, future operations, future financial position, future revenues, projected costs, prospects, plans and objectives of management, including any potential future securities offering, our expected revenue growth and net earnings for 2009, and any other statements containing the words “believes”, “expects”, “anticipates”, “plans”, “estimates” and similar expressions, are forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause the company’s actual results to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, including appropriations for BioThrax® procurement; our ability to obtain new BioThrax® sales contracts; our plans to pursue label expansions and improvements for BioThrax®; our plans to expand our manufacturing facilities and capabilities; the rate and degree of market acceptance and clinical utility of our products; the success of our ongoing and planned development programs, preclinical studies and clinical trials; our ability to identify and acquire or in license products and product candidates that satisfy our selection criteria; the potential benefits of our existing collaboration agreements and our ability to enter into selective additional collaboration arrangements; the timing of and our ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approvals for our other product candidates; our commercialization, marketing and manufacturing capabilities and strategy; our estimates regarding expenses, future revenue, capital requirements and needs for additional financing; and other factors identified in the company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2009 and subsequent reports filed with the SEC. The company disclaims any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this press release.
Emergent BioSolutions Inc.
Investors Contact:
Robert G. Burrows
Vice President, Investor Relations
Media Contact:
Tracey Schmitt
Vice President, Corporate Communications
Abraham Harrison "Xyz, Inc." Sample Report
A Web of Classified Ad Rivals Challenges Craigslist
Fabrice Grinda is bullish on Brazil and betting big on Internet classified ads in South America's largest country. This year, Grinda's New York-based company OLX opened an office in São Paulo, hired locals to translate the OLX site into Portuguese, asked top real estate brokers and auto dealers to offer low-priced listings, and recruited an executive from eBay (EBAY) in Latin America.
That approach has worked well for OLX in Mexico, Spain, Portugal, Russia, and a handful of other countries. And in September, OLX became the leading classifieds site in Brazil, surpassing local rival QueBerato in visitors, according to researcher comScore (SCOR). Craigslist, which has come to dominate the U.S. and other markets by charging no fees for most ads, is a distant No. 42 in Brazil, according to comScore. "I would like to think we have a chance to become the Craigslist of the rest of the world," Grinda says.
Craigslist is a worthy target. Founded in 1995, the popular site for free online listings has almost singlehandedly replaced the classifieds business of print newspapers and now dominates the U.S. online market. Yet critics say Craigslist has done little to innovate, ignoring opportunities to expand through search, social networking, and wireless communication. It's also been slow to penetrate some developing overseas markets. Internationally.Craigslist is "asleep at the wheel," says Grinda.
New players are raring to overhaul online classifieds. "Classifieds have gone through two chapters," says Craig Donato, co-founder and CEO of classifieds startup Oodle. First came newspapers, then Craigslist, he says. "We are focused on the third chapter." Craigslist declined to make an executive available to comment for this story.
Most of the innovation in classifieds has happened in specific areas such as job postings on Monster (MWW) and real estate listings on Trulia. "Those sites all have a lot of traffic and they co-exist with Craigslist," says Greg Sterling, founding principal of researcher Sterling Market Intelligence. Jobs are one of the few areas where Craigslist charges a fee for postings. It also charges for New York real estate listings.
No. 2 OLX tries harder with locals
Newcomers find it tough to challenge Craigslist's array of listings, which range from used Apple (AAPL) iPods, to beachfront properties in Miami, to solicitations for "casual encounters," often a euphemism for consensual sex.
Still, upstarts are making headway. In 2009, its fourth year, OLX became the world's second-most-visited online classifieds property, leapfrogging eBay's Kijiji sites and approaching Craigslist. Co-founder and CEO Grinda says the site encompasses 90 countries and 40 languages, compared with Craigslist's 70 countries and 6 languages. Unlike the more established site, OLX works hands-on with locals in all its major markets to translate its services and to relate to merchants in the community, Grinda says. Hands-off Craigslist relies mainly on local sellers to post listings. It does next-to-no marketing.
OLX makes money by promoting ads to the top of listings, charging $2 to $10 a week. The company saw its first profit in June and expects more than $10 million in sales this year. "OLX is the leading classifieds site in a bunch of markets that are small today but have the opportunity to be the same size as Craigslist," says Jeremy Levin, partner in Bessemer Partner Ventures, which contributed to OLX's $29 million in funding. "When you add them all up you get something that's substantially larger than the U.S. market and a business that generates—if it is successful—hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue." This year, Craigslist is expected to bring in $100 million in sales, according to the AIM Group. The closely held company doesn't report financial figures.
Craigslist's dated technology also gives rivals a lever, even in the U.S. Oodle, which started in San Mateo, Calif., in 2005, is pursuing what it considers a missed opportunity in connecting classifieds to social relationships on sites such as Facebook. Classifieds are "not about inviting some anonymous person over to my house to test-drive my car," says Oodle co-founder Donato. "We're trying to create a different experience, based on trust and reputation."
Craigslist ads search poorly
Oodle's approach is best demonstrated on Facebook Marketplace, a classifieds site on the social network. There, Oodle lets users buy and sell items in an environment where people and merchants use real names; users can quickly share good deals with Facebook friends. The company earns revenue by taking bids for prominently placed ads, similar to OLX, and through a subscription service that helps real estate brokers and other professionals find customers. Besides Facebook, Oodle has partnered with Wal-Mart (WMT), AOL, and News Corp.'s (NWS) MySpace. Oodle has raised more than $20 million in funding, including some from Greylock Partners.
Another complaint about Craigslist is that it lacks sophisticated search. Shoppers can't search within a limited geographic area—say, a tri-state area. Its listings typically don't get picked up by search engines such as Google (GOOG). San Francisco-based Vast is trying to help online classifieds become more searchable by working with publishers to help users quickly retrieve listings tailored to them. For example, Vast powers the search for cars on the Web site of Kelley Blue Book.
Such online niche sectors as travel, autos, and real estate are already worth at least $1 billion apiece, says Vast CEO Kevin Law. His company collects most of its money from fees paid by advertisers each time the search engine refers a customer. Some real estate brokers end up sharing a significant percentage—sometimes more than $1,000—upon completion of a sale.
Craigslist's new competitors may not soon edge out the classifieds king, says Kelsey Group analyst Peter Krasilovsky. Craigslist has the critical mass of millions of users that many upstarts struggle to achieve, he says. In the U.S., the service had 44.1 million unique users in October 2009, up 20% from a year earlier, according to comScore. "There's no evidence that Craigslist has been cannibalized," says Krasilovsky, who nevertheless contends there's room for new players to grow. "There's more participation in classifieds than there's ever been before."
Douglas MacMillan is a staff writer for BusinessWeek in New York.
Monday, November 30, 2009
What I Bought Today at Borders

Four German mini-books for my travels to Berlin during the month of December.
Dungeons and Dragons at Borders

I used to be a Dungeon Master when I was in Intermediate and High School in Hawaii. Good to see there are still loads of D&D stuff to play with.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Late Stew Lunch at Lily's at the Roger Smith Hotel

Late Stew Lunch at Lily's at the Roger Smith Hotel

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Checked In at the Roger Smith Hotel

The Roger Smith Hotel is my New York City home-away-from-home -- at least until I get that pied-à-terre.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Emergent BioSolutions Enhances Manufacturing Infrastructure with Strategic Acquisition in Baltimore
ROCKVILLE, MD, November 13, 2009 – Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (NYSE:EBS) announced today that it has completed the acquisition of a 55,000 square foot manufacturing facility from MdBio Foundation and the land on which the facility stands from the City of Baltimore for a total purchase price of $8.2 million. The facility, located within the City of Baltimore, Maryland, previously operated as a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensed facility used by an experienced contract manufacturing organization (CMO) to produce a number of FDA approved products.

Emergent worked closely with the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development (DBED), MdBio, the City of Baltimore, Baltimore Development Corporation, and other related governmental agencies to complete this transaction.
“Maryland is continuing to strengthen its biotechnology prowess by helping to grow industry leaders like Emergent BioSolutions,” said Governor Martin O’Malley. “The transaction between MdBio and Emergent will maximize the value of the BioProcessing Center by maintaining a bio-manufacturing infrastructure for Maryland’s bioscience community, enabling additional investment to be made in the Center and ensuring that those high paying, highly skilled jobs are created and remain in Maryland.”
Emergent BioSolutions employs over 600 employees across the globe, with over 150 employees located in its corporate headquarters in Rockville and one of its product development sites in Gaithersburg.
“This acquisition reflects our commitment to both continually creating jobs and investing additional capital in the State of Maryland,” said Daniel J. Abdun-Nabi, president and chief operating officer of Emergent BioSolutions. “We extend our sincere appreciation to the state and local governments for their ongoing support of our efforts to develop our local manufacturing capabilities and look forward to growing Emergent’s presence in the state.”
Mayor Sheila Dixon, commenting on the announcement, said, “The City of Baltimore is excited about welcoming Emergent BioSolutions to the Baltimore biotech community. With great research institutions such as Johns Hopkins and the University of Maryland as potential partners in the area, we know that Emergent will be a wonderful contributor in the future.”
“Emergent’s decision to expand in Maryland underscores not only our rich research and development environment, but also our mission to support the complete product development life cycle that includes bio manufacturing,” said Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development Secretary Christian S. Johansson. “The Department was pleased to work with MdBio Foundation and the Baltimore Development Corp. to bring this project to fruition.”
About Emergent BioSolutions Inc.
Emergent BioSolutions Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development, manufacture and commercialization of vaccines and therapeutics that assist the body’s immune system to prevent or treat disease. Emergent’s marketed product, BioThrax (Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed), is the only vaccine licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the prevention of anthrax. Emergent’s development pipeline includes programs focused on anthrax, botulism, tuberculosis, typhoid, hepatitis B and chlamydia. Additional information may be found at and
About MdBio Foundation, Inc.
The MdBio Foundation, Inc. is a charitable and educational organization whose mission is to provide and support the State of Maryland’s bioscience community through bioscience awareness, education and workforce development programs including scholarships, post-doctoral conference and career expos, BioGENEius science competition and summer science camps. Since 2003, MdBio has operated the MdBioLab, an educational and well-known mobile bioscience laboratory that visits high schools throughout Maryland to educate youth on biosciences. Over the past six years, MdBioLab has held more than 2,800 classes with 55,000 students and 1,500 teachers. MdBio Foundation became an affiliate of the Tech Council of Maryland in 2006.
Safe Harbor Statement
This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Any statements, other than statements of historical fact, including statements regarding our strategy, future operations, future financial position, future revenues, projected costs, prospects, plans and objectives of management, including any potential future securities offering, our expected revenue growth and net earnings for 2009, and any other statements containing the words “believes”, “expects”, “anticipates”, “plans”, “estimates” and similar expressions, are forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause the company’s actual results to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, including our ability to obtain FDA approval to manufacture products or product candidates in the newly acquired facility; appropriations for BioThrax® procurement; our ability to obtain new BioThrax® sales contracts; our plans to pursue label expansions and improvements for BioThrax®; our plans to expand our manufacturing facilities and capabilities; the rate and degree of market acceptance and clinical utility of our products; the success of our ongoing and planned development programs, preclinical studies and clinical trials; our ability to identify and acquire or in license products and product candidates that satisfy our selection criteria; the potential benefits of our existing collaboration agreements and our ability to enter into selective additional collaboration arrangements; the timing of and our ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approvals for our other product candidates; our commercialization, marketing and manufacturing capabilities and strategy; our estimates regarding expenses, future revenue, capital requirements and needs for additional financing; and other factors identified in the company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended September 30, 2009 and subsequent reports filed with the SEC. The company disclaims any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this press release.
Emergent BioSolutions Enhances Manufacturing Infrastructure with Strategic Acquisition in Baltimore
ROCKVILLE, MD, November 13, 2009 – Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (NYSE:EBS) announced today that it has completed the acquisition of a 55,000 square foot manufacturing facility from MdBio Foundation and the land on which the facility stands from the City of Baltimore for a total purchase price of $8.2 million. The facility, located within the City of Baltimore, Maryland, previously operated as a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensed facility used by an experienced contract manufacturing organization (CMO) to produce a number of FDA approved products.
“Emergent is excited about this new facility in Baltimore because it houses several suites capable of manufacturing multiple products at the same time,” said Fuad El-Hibri, chairman and chief executive officer of Emergent BioSolutions. “Accordingly, this facility will provide the flexibility to conduct large-scale manufacturing of rPA while also producing other products in our pipeline.”
Emergent worked closely with the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development (DBED), MdBio, the City of Baltimore, Baltimore Development Corporation, and other related governmental agencies to complete this transaction.
“Maryland is continuing to strengthen its biotechnology prowess by helping to grow industry leaders like Emergent BioSolutions,” said Governor Martin O’Malley. “The transaction between MdBio and Emergent will maximize the value of the BioProcessing Center by maintaining a bio-manufacturing infrastructure for Maryland’s bioscience community, enabling additional investment to be made in the Center and ensuring that those high paying, highly skilled jobs are created and remain in Maryland.”
Emergent BioSolutions employs over 600 employees across the globe, with over 150 employees located in its corporate headquarters in Rockville and one of its product development sites in Gaithersburg.
“This acquisition reflects our commitment to both continually creating jobs and investing additional capital in the State of Maryland,” said Daniel J. Abdun-Nabi, president and chief operating officer of Emergent BioSolutions. “We extend our sincere appreciation to the state and local governments for their ongoing support of our efforts to develop our local manufacturing capabilities and look forward to growing Emergent’s presence in the state.”
Mayor Sheila Dixon, commenting on the announcement, said, “The City of Baltimore is excited about welcoming Emergent BioSolutions to the Baltimore biotech community. With great research institutions such as Johns Hopkins and the University of Maryland as potential partners in the area, we know that Emergent will be a wonderful contributor in the future.”
“Emergent’s decision to expand in Maryland underscores not only our rich research and development environment, but also our mission to support the complete product development life cycle that includes bio manufacturing,” said Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development Secretary Christian S. Johansson. “The Department was pleased to work with MdBio Foundation and the Baltimore Development Corp. to bring this project to fruition.”
About Emergent BioSolutions Inc.
Emergent BioSolutions Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development, manufacture and commercialization of vaccines and therapeutics that assist the body’s immune system to prevent or treat disease. Emergent’s marketed product, BioThrax (Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed), is the only vaccine licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the prevention of anthrax. Emergent’s development pipeline includes programs focused on anthrax, botulism, tuberculosis, typhoid, hepatitis B and chlamydia. Additional information may be found at and
About MdBio Foundation, Inc.
The MdBio Foundation, Inc. is a charitable and educational organization whose mission is to provide and support the State of Maryland’s bioscience community through bioscience awareness, education and workforce development programs including scholarships, post-doctoral conference and career expos, BioGENEius science competition and summer science camps. Since 2003, MdBio has operated the MdBioLab, an educational and well-known mobile bioscience laboratory that visits high schools throughout Maryland to educate youth on biosciences. Over the past six years, MdBioLab has held more than 2,800 classes with 55,000 students and 1,500 teachers. MdBio Foundation became an affiliate of the Tech Council of Maryland in 2006.
Safe Harbor Statement
This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Any statements, other than statements of historical fact, including statements regarding our strategy, future operations, future financial position, future revenues, projected costs, prospects, plans and objectives of management, including any potential future securities offering, our expected revenue growth and net earnings for 2009, and any other statements containing the words “believes”, “expects”, “anticipates”, “plans”, “estimates” and similar expressions, are forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause the company’s actual results to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, including our ability to obtain FDA approval to manufacture products or product candidates in the newly acquired facility; appropriations for BioThrax® procurement; our ability to obtain new BioThrax® sales contracts; our plans to pursue label expansions and improvements for BioThrax®; our plans to expand our manufacturing facilities and capabilities; the rate and degree of market acceptance and clinical utility of our products; the success of our ongoing and planned development programs, preclinical studies and clinical trials; our ability to identify and acquire or in license products and product candidates that satisfy our selection criteria; the potential benefits of our existing collaboration agreements and our ability to enter into selective additional collaboration arrangements; the timing of and our ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approvals for our other product candidates; our commercialization, marketing and manufacturing capabilities and strategy; our estimates regarding expenses, future revenue, capital requirements and needs for additional financing; and other factors identified in the company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended September 30, 2009 and subsequent reports filed with the SEC. The company disclaims any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this press release.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Win a Free Roku Player from Motionbox

As a special sneak preview, we're giving away a few brand new Roku players to people who become Motionbox members this month.
All you have to do is sign up for a FREE Motionbox account before November 30, 2009 then email with subject line "Roku Giveaway" and we'll enter your name for a chance to win a Roku HD Player.
Learn more about Roku:
Read a recent article about Roku.
Check out the Roku website.
Win a Free New Roku Player from Motionbox
As a special sneak preview, we're giving away a few brand new Roku players to people who become Motionbox members this month.
All you have to do is sign up for a FREE Motionbox account before November 30, 2009 then email with subject line "Roku Giveaway" and we'll enter your name for a chance to win a Roku HD Player.
Read more:
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Motionbox Announces Motionbox PRO -- Video-Sharing for Business
New York, NY (PRWEB) November 4, 2009 -- Motionbox, the leading personal video sharing service, today announced Motionbox PRO. Intended for businesses and other organizations seeking to share video with selected users, Motionbox PRO fills a previously unmet need in the video sharing market. Professional users were flocking to Motionbox because of its virtually unlimited storage and full screen HD playback, but needed the ability to upload and share commercial content in an unbranded, high quality player. Motionbox PRO answers that demand.
News ImageMotionbox PRO provides a comprehensive video hosting solution that includes archival storage, web-based editing, streaming and embedding, all in superior quality, up to 1080p HD. Commercial customers will receive best-in-the-industry support for HD formats and pricing that is significantly lower than that of competitors in the commercial video sharing market.
The introduction of Motionbox PRO comes as a response to a wide range of Motionbox customers, including real estate agents, film production companies, and small businesses in search of an affordable professional video hosting solution.
Motionbox PRO also comes in a version for larger Enterprises, and among the pre-launch customers to move to Motionbox’s new PRO version are Thomson Reuters and Gawker Media.
"Reuters is committed to exploring innovative new ways of disseminating news and information, and applauds Motionbox for their easy to use upload tools and web-based editing. Using Motionbox, Reuters' journalists are able to get the most current video content distributed to Reuters' readers and clients," said Chris Cramer, Global Editor, Multimedia, Reuters.
Tom Plunkett, CTO of Gawker Media said, "Gawker manages a number of blogs that all use video content avidly. We chose Motionbox because of the customizability of the platform and because Motionbox HD video quality is the best out there."
Coming on the heels of Motionbox’s partnership with Shutterfly and its acquisition of Viddyou, the release of Motionbox PRO caps a year of strong growth for the New York-based company, which enables millions of users to share their video memories privately and securely with friends and family.
To learn more about Motionbox PRO, log on to:
About Motionbox
Motionbox enables individuals and families to easily upload, edit, store, and share their personal video memories, including those that have been captured in High Definition. In addition to free membership options on and via partners such as Shutterfly, Bebo, and AOL Video, Motionbox provides a subscription-based Premium service featuring HD playback and sharing, unlimited archival storage, and download capabilities. Motionbox also offers hard-good products that allow consumers to enjoy personal videos beyond devices and computers. Visit for more information.
Dan Krueger
Abraham & Harrison Public Relations
Stephanie Mello
Motionbox, Public Relations Manager
stephanie.mello (at) motionbox (dot) com
Friday, October 30, 2009
Awesome Study Tips for German Language-Learning

From "English Grammar for Students of German" by Zorach, Melin, Kautz
Thursday, October 29, 2009
My review copy of Believe Me by Michael Margolis

"Why your vision, brand, and leadership need a bigger story"
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
My New German-Learning Squeezbox Radio

I have Berlin stations on my preset on this awesome new Internet radio
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Finally Met Shel Israel after 10 Years!

I am so blissed to meet Shel Israel and get a signed copy of Twitterville
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I Was Fooled by This Ad-as-Editorial

It wasn't until the end when the copy of this editorial advertisement turned hyperbolic that I realised that this WIRED magazine review was acctually an advertisement. Shame on me (and shame on WIRED?)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Heathcare-Associated Infection Watch
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are a global crisis affecting both patients and healthcare workers.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at any point in time, 1.4 million people worldwide suffer from infections acquired in hospitals.
A Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report published in March-April 2007 estimated the number of U.S. deaths from healthcare asociated infections in 2002 at 98,987.
The risk of acquiring healthcare-associated infections in developing countries is 2-20 times higher than in developed countries.
Afflicting thousands of patients every year, HAI often leads to lengthening hospitalization, increasing the likelihood of readmission, and adding sizably to the cost of care per patient.
Nurses and doctors prevent Healthcare-associated infections (HAI)Financially, HAIs represent an estimated annual impact of $6.7 billion to healthcare facilities, but the human cost is even higher.
Until recently, a lack of HAI reporting requirements for healthcare facilities has contributed to less-than-optimal emphasis being placed on eliminating the sources of healthcare associated infections. However, growing public anxiety regarding the issue and resulting legislation on state and local levels demanding accountability is serving to accelerate initiatives to combat HAIs.
To learn more about the impact of healthcare-associated infections for both medical professionals and patients, please visit
About Not on My Watch Prevention Campaign
To protect patients by reducing the risk of HAI, healthcare professionals must continually update their knowledge of infection management.
Doctors care about Healthcare-associated infections (HAI)As part of an ongoing commitment to quality care and infection prevention, nationwide doctors and hospitals are partnering with Kimberly-Clark to deliver continuing education programs on healthcare-associated infection (HAI) prevention to staff and management. As simple as education sounds, busy doctors and nurses on the front lines of delivering care can find it difficult to find the time to take advantage of scheduled programs within their hospitals.
The HAI Education Program is part of a national infection awareness campaign for healthcare professionals called “Not on My Watch” and will provide the facility with a toolkit that contains informational flyers, patient safety tips and posters.
The "Not on My Watch" campaign provides accredited continuing education (CE) programs based on best practices and guidelines as well as research available on reducing the incidence of healthcare-associated infections.
For details about the "Not On My Watch" campaign, and the HAI Education Bus please visit
HAI Education Bus
Kimberly-Clark's Not on My Watch HAI Bus for Healthcare-associated infections education
At Kimberly-Clark, it’s our mission to find innovative ways to develop and maintain a variety of accredited education, equipping healthcare providers with critical insights and information on today’s important clinical issues. That’s why we’re proud to introduce the HAI Education Bus, an impressive new one-of-a-kind mobile classroom that brings accredited CE education right to your door.
Look for this tour bus as it makes its way across the country, delivering education about healthcare-associated infections and other critical healthcare issues from the plains of Texas to the California coast to New York City and places in between.
Types of Healthcare-Associated Infections
Ventilator - Associated Pneumonia (VAP)Ventilator - Associated Pneumonia (VAP)
VAP is the source of the highest morbidity and mortality of all Healthcare Associated Infections.
Read More About VAP
Surgical Site Infections (SSIs)Surgical Site Infections (SSIs)
Any breach of patient skin can lead to a surgical site infection.
Read More About SSIs
Cross Contamination (Contact Transfer)Cross Contamination (Contact Transfer)
Contact transfer (touch contamination) is the number one source of Healthcare Associated Infections.
Read More About Contact Transfer
About HAI Watch
HAI Watch is your resource for collateral and supplies to help keep your organization aware of the importance of healthcare associated infection prevention. The following guidelines on hand hygiene in healthcare settings and other tips are available now, but keep checking back. New HAI awareness tools will be added on an ongoing basis.
About Kimberly-Clark Health Care
At Kimberly-Clark Health Care, we deliver innovative healthcare solutions that you can depend on to meet the demands of your fast-paced world, supported by in-service training, clinical research and accredited education.
Our solutions help you prevent, diagnose, and manage major issues in these clinical areas: Infection Prevention (Protection & Infection Control, Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia and Surgical Site Infections), Digestive Health and Pain Management.
About Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Always as Kimberly-Clark and its well-known global brands are an indispensable part of life for people in more than 150 countries.
Every day, 1.3 billion people - nearly a quarter of the world's population - trust K-C brands and the solutions they provide to enhance their health, hygiene and well-being.
With brands such as Kleenex, Scott, Huggies, Pull-Ups, Kotex and Depend, Kimberly-Clark holds No. 1 or No. 2 share positions in more than 80 countries. To keep up with the latest K-C news and to learn more about the company's 137-year history of innovation, visit
When someone develops an infection at a hospital

Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are a global crisis affecting both patients and healthcare workers.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at any point in time, 1.4 million people worldwide suffer from infections acquired in hospitals.
A Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report published in March-April 2007 estimated the number of U.S. deaths from healthcare asociated infections in 2002 at 98,987.
The risk of acquiring healthcare-associated infections in developing countries is 2-20 times higher than in developed countries.
Afflicting thousands of patients every year, HAI often leads to lengthening hospitalization, increasing the likelihood of readmission, and adding sizably to the cost of care per patient.

Financially, HAIs represent an estimated annual impact of $6.7 billion to healthcare facilities, but the human cost is even higher.
Until recently, a lack of HAI reporting requirements for healthcare facilities has contributed to less-than-optimal emphasis being placed on eliminating the sources of healthcare associated infections. However, growing public anxiety regarding the issue and resulting legislation on state and local levels demanding accountability is serving to accelerate initiatives to combat HAIs.
To learn more about the impact of healthcare-associated infections for both medical professionals and patients, please visit
About Not on My Watch Prevention Campaign
To protect patients by reducing the risk of HAI, healthcare professionals must continually update their knowledge of infection management.

As part of an ongoing commitment to quality care and infection prevention, nationwide doctors and hospitals are partnering with Kimberly-Clark to deliver continuing education programs on healthcare-associated infection (HAI) prevention to staff and management. As simple as education sounds, busy doctors and nurses on the front lines of delivering care can find it difficult to find the time to take advantage of scheduled programs within their hospitals.
The HAI Education Program is part of a national infection awareness campaign for healthcare professionals called “Not on My Watch” and will provide the facility with a toolkit that contains informational flyers, patient safety tips and posters.
The "Not on My Watch" campaign provides accredited continuing education (CE) programs based on best practices and guidelines as well as research available on reducing the incidence of healthcare-associated infections.
For details about the "Not On My Watch" campaign, and the HAI Education Bus please visit
HAI Education Bus

At Kimberly-Clark, it’s our mission to find innovative ways to develop and maintain a variety of accredited education, equipping healthcare providers with critical insights and information on today’s important clinical issues. That’s why we’re proud to introduce the HAI Education Bus, an impressive new one-of-a-kind mobile classroom that brings accredited CE education right to your door.
Look for this tour bus as it makes its way across the country, delivering education about healthcare-associated infections and other critical healthcare issues from the plains of Texas to the California coast to New York City and places in between.
Types of Healthcare-Associated Infections

VAP is the source of the highest morbidity and mortality of all Healthcare Associated Infections.
Read More About VAP

Any breach of patient skin can lead to a surgical site infection.
Read More About SSIs

Contact transfer (touch contamination) is the number one source of Healthcare Associated Infections.
Read More About Contact Transfer
About HAI Watch
HAI Watch is your resource for collateral and supplies to help keep your organization aware of the importance of healthcare associated infection prevention. The following guidelines on hand hygiene in healthcare settings and other tips are available now, but keep checking back. New HAI awareness tools will be added on an ongoing basis.
About Kimberly-Clark Health Care
At Kimberly-Clark Health Care, we deliver innovative healthcare solutions that you can depend on to meet the demands of your fast-paced world, supported by in-service training, clinical research and accredited education.
Our solutions help you prevent, diagnose, and manage major issues in these clinical areas: Infection Prevention (Protection & Infection Control, Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia and Surgical Site Infections), Digestive Health and Pain Management.
About Kimberly-Clark Corporation

Every day, 1.3 billion people - nearly a quarter of the world's population - trust K-C brands and the solutions they provide to enhance their health, hygiene and well-being.
With brands such as Kleenex, Scott, Huggies, Pull-Ups, Kotex and Depend, Kimberly-Clark holds No. 1 or No. 2 share positions in more than 80 countries. To keep up with the latest K-C news and to learn more about the company's 137-year history of innovation, visit
Sunday, October 18, 2009
My Surly Steamroller v1.2

I installed the White Industries freewheel but I am going to turn it into mu mule: remove decals, add 32c Marathon Plus tires, full fenders, bell, front and rear LEDs and a plain black leather Brooks B-17 saddle. more to follow!
My Surly Steamroller v1.2
I installed the White Industries freewheel but I am going to turn it into mu mule: remove decals, add 32c Marathon Plus tires, full fenders, bell, front and rear LEDs and a plain black leather Brooks B-17 saddle. more to follow!