Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Brief Curriculum Vitae of Chris Abraham

Chris Abraham is a Founding Partner, President, and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Abraham Harrison, LLC, an international public relations firm specializing in online public relations and word-of-mouth/conversation marketing.

Mr. Abraham is an expert in online outreach, advocacy and marketing with over 15 years of online experience. His experience focuses on web strategy, including SEO strategy, technology strategy, and online marketing strategy.

Before moving to his current position, Mr. Abraham was a Senior Account Supervisor and a member of the Interactive Team at Edelman in Washington, DC, doing online public affairs. Before joining Edelman, Chris was Technology Strategist for New Media Strategies, a pioneer and industry leader in online brand promotion and brand protection.

Mr. Abraham has spoken about blogging, social media, technology, and new media for both corporate clients as well as for BBC Worldwide, CNN International, Columbia University, American University, Podcamp Philly, Renaissance Weekend, the Writer's Center, The Urban Institute, and others.


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